October 2012 | Astrophotos making the web - the good, the bad and the ugly ... | E! |
Februar 2012 | "2012" in Bonn: Was die Maya wirklich dachten | D! |
November 2011 | Polarlicht vom Schiff vor Norwegen - so geht's! | D(s)! |
Oktober 2011 | Live-Blog zum Wiedereintritt des Satelliten ROSAT | D! |
Oktober 2011 | Burst or Bust? Live-Blog zu den Draconiden 2011 | D! |
Oktober 2011 | 5. deutsche LOFAR-Station in Juelich uebergeben | D! |
September 2011 | Live-Blog zum Reentry des dicken UARS | D! |
September 2011 | Klein aber oho: Astro-Geschichte in Mannheim | D! |
September 2011 | Live-Blog vom ersten Euro-Weltraum-Tweetup | D! |
August 2011 | RIP shuttle - let's get back to real space exploration. (Die Printfassung enthielt auch einen Cartoon ... :-) | Ex! |
July 2011 | Der Large Hadron Collider treibt das Higgs-Teilchen, die Supersymmetrie & Co. in die Enge. | D |
July 2011 | Was der Shuttle konnte - und was kommen soll. | D!! |
July 2011 | "Ein Schmetterling, angeschraubt auf einer Gewehrkugel": Das war der Space Shuttle. | D!! |
June 2011 | 29.8 km Hoehe erreicht, verschollen im Sauerland - und dann doch ein Happy End. | D!!! |
June 2011 | Verblueffende Merkur-Erkenntnisse aus dem Orbit: der Planet ist voller fluechtiger Elemente - und sein Magnetfeld um 1/5 nach Norden verrutscht. | D! |
May 2011 | Zehn Jahre Himmelscheibe von Nebra - und (k)ein bisschen weiser | D(s)! |
May 2011 | Das AMS-02 nach 17 Jahren am Ziel: das teuerste, groesste und kontroverseste Experiment auf der ISS | D! |
May 2011 | Gravity Probe B bestaetigt Allgemeine Relativitaet - aber wer brauchte das noch? | D! |
April 2011 | Germany's Astronomietag coincides with the Global Star Party in 2011 - and beyond | Ex |
August 2010 | Lessons from it all, i.e. the Pluto (non-)affair; earlier posting | E |
July 2010 | An impossible eclipse at the end of the world successfully observed in Patagonia | E(s)(!) |
November 2008 | Impressions from the 5. Fachtagung "Geschichte der Astronomie" in Kassel - mit den Highlights aller Vortraege und 42 Bildern, v.a. der Ausstellung in der Orangerie | E! |
September 2008 | Ri Quan Shi: eine Sonnenfinsternis auf chinesisch: Expeditionsbericht | D! |
Mai 2008 | Schiff, Show und DVD: Mathematik-Jahr überall | Dx! |
March 2008 | STEREO: The Sun's Corona Unraveled in 3D: The mission can, for the first time, unravel directly the corona's complicated structure. | Ex! |
Dezember 2007 | The History of Astronomy in tabular form: the crucial quarter millennium 1500 to 1750 CE | Es |
Dezember 2007 | Eisgeysire, Methansümpfe und Ringpropeller: Mit Cassini unterwegs im Saturnsystem | D(!) |
November 2007 | A comet's tale: How much of the world came to miss the most spectacular sky spectacle in decades (as published) | Es(!) |
September 2007 | Spaced out in California, with the Aurigids and a lunar eclipse | E(s)! |
July 2007 | Die Sput-Line: Parallel-Timeline der Raumfahrtgeschichte von den Anfängen bis Sputnik + 5 Jahre, in der SU, den USA und Europa | D |
November 2006 | Bemannte Raumfahrt im Umbruch (talk visuals) - eine Bestandsaufnahme zu einem kritischen Zeitpunkt, Update gegenüber April | D! |
September 2006 | Kourou's most stunning sunrise - the annular eclipse of Sep. 22, 2006, seen perfectly from French Guyana | E! |
September 2006 | Inside the planet definition process - happenings at the IAU GA 26 in Prague | Ex! |
September 2006 | Sturz auf den Mond - (PDF, 30 Seiten, 5.9 MB) das feurige Ende von Europas erster Mondsonde | D! |
August 2006 | Da waren's nur noch acht Planeten - und mindestens drei »Zwerge« | Dx! |
June 2006 | Important Meeting rejuvenates Pro-Am Connection in European Planetary Science - EuroPlaNet fosters amateur role in coordinated observations of the SMART-1 crash and in concert with Venus Express | E |
June 2006 | Planetary Observations in the 21st Century - the view from Germany (PDF, 28 pages, 3.4 MB) - report for a pro-am workshop in Graz, Austria | Es! |
April 2006 | Bemannte Raumfahrt im Umbruch (talk visuals) - eine Bestandsaufnahme zu einem kritischen Zeitpunkt | D! |
November 2005 | Venus features at 300 to 3000 nm wavelength - a systematic survey of known spectral "windows" in which Venus is more | Es |
September 2005 | Towards a calibration of meteor counts with the Mintron video system based on the Perseids of 2004 and 2005 | Es! |
July 2005 | Volltreffer Deep Impact - Erkenntnisse der ersten Wochen | D! |
June 2005 | Deep Impact vor dem Ziel - und keiner kennt die Folgen ... | D |
March 2005 | Nebra Sky Disk amazes and confuses more than ever after first big conference | E |
February 2005 | Große Konferenz zur Nebra-Scheibe steigert Faszination und Verwirrung | D |
January 2005 | How Europe's media landed on Titan - an inside story from Darmstadt (draft) | Ex |
January 2005 | Standing on the Surface of Titan - report on the Huygens landing | Ex! |
January 2005 | Live from another world - a call to ESA ... | Ex |
November 2004 | Human perception of the inner contacts of the Transit of Venus 2004 - real-life experiences and controlled experiments | Es! |
November 2004 | The night Polyxo ate a star - a 25-hour trip to Mallorca for a rare occultation and then some | E |
October 2004 | Große Schau in Halle - die Scheibe von Nebra wird vorgestellt | D |
August 2004 | Mintron video observations of the Perseids 2004 from Romania, in the nights before & after the maximum | Es(!) |
June 2004 | The Astronomical Unit from differential astrometry of the 2004 Transit of Venus? | Es! |
June 2004 | Southern Exposure 2004 - a rare grazing occultation of a bright star during a total lunar eclipse, a unique duo of naked-eye comets and the first transit of Venus in over a century, all observed from Southern Africa | E! |
January 2004 | Christmas on Mars - Mars Express slips into orbit (draft) | Ex! |
Late 2003 | Five wild years - Reminiscences of the Leonids experience 1998-2002 | E |
October 2003 | Die Sichtbedingungen der beiden Kometen NEAT und LINEAR 2004 | Ds! |
September 2003 | Mars für alle - 14 Tage im September nach der Grossen Opposition | D |
June 2003 | Getting Eclipsed in Puffin Country - another annular eclipse largely bites the dust, in a stunning, remote region of Europe | E(!) |
April 2003 | Columbia war schon vor dem Reentry beschädigt - weitere Erkenntnisse | D |
February 2003 | Columbia-Katastrophe bleibt ein Rätsel - neun Tage nach dem Unglück: immer noch keine heiße Spur | D! |
December 2002 | The Great Escape - how we got to see the total eclipse in Africa after all | E! |
October 2002 | Die »Himmelsscheibe von Nebra« - ein Unikat der Archäoastronomie | D(!) |
June 2002 | A not-so-perfect Storm - how »Boris« almost sank Mexico's 2002 annular eclipse of the Sun, and a ship full of eclipse chasers along with it | E! |
December 2001 | I went to Costa Rica to see the annular eclipse, and all I got was a speeding ticket ... | E(!) |
November 2001 | Going for the Storm - to South Korea - a journey to the 2001 Leonid meteor storm's 2nd peak | E(s)! |
July 2001 | Zur Schwarzen Sonne auf den Schwarzen Kontinent - drei Wochen in Sambia, bei der ersten SoFi des Jahrtausends | D! |
Late 1999 | Showdown in the desert - revisited - how meteor storm predictions are becoming a rigorous science (later printed in S&T) | E |
December 1999 | Nach dem Totalverlust der 1998/9er Missionen - Mars Surveyor-Programm, NASA-Stragie in Frage gestellt | D |
November 1999 | Showdown in the Desert - the Leonid Storm of 1999: How theory met reality at the Al Azraq meteor camp | E! |
November 1999 | Leoniden 1999: diesmal alles im Griff? - Erwartungen ... | D(!) |
August 1999 | Blagodarya, Bulgaria! A perfect eclipse in the country, where the astronomy fun never ends | E! |
March 1999 | Chromosphere, corona sighted during annular solar eclipse! Western Australia's superb skies made it possible | E(s)! |
November 1998 | Chasing the Meteor Storm in Mongolia - with the international expeditions at Khurel Togoot observatory | E! |
March 1998 | The Caribbean's Shortest Night The Solar Eclipse of February 26, 1998 | E! |
March 1997 | From Russia with Love - Siberian thrills in wintertime, a marvellous eclipse, and neutrino hunters in/on/under Lake Baikal | E! |
Late 1995 | India'95 - an Eclipse full of Surprises | E |
Late 1994 | Sonnenfinsternis über den Anden - ein Expeditionsbericht aus Chile, Bolivien & Peru | D |